Real-estate and building costs usually represent the highest expanse on the corporate balance sheets. Additionally, measurements have shown that corporations underutilize 30% of their available workplace capacity due to employee sickness, business travel, home office and other factors, while many corporations are expanding their office capacity at the same time.
Internal tool development to optimize workspace utilization
UX Designer | Interaction Design, Testing, Roll-out
Based on internal business insights and user research
This proposes expanses that can be reduced if employees make proper use of the workplace situation and unused workplaces are made available to others, when not in use. As part of a comprehensive real-estate ecosystem, the shared desk app was designed and developed in order to enable workplace sharing and help to deal with the emerging need for physical workspace in office environments with limited space.
Design and development sprints
Macro view
Despite a tight timeline a design driven (design thinking) approach was applied in order to guarantee product success. Core team members were involved in each stage of the process to facilitate knowledge transfer and increase development velocity. UX design was a central aspect throughout all stages.

Micro view
Iterative design and development sprints took place in parallel to handle design and feature requests, changes and align on the development progress.

Design & Testing
Interaction design and large-scale usability testing
01. Share your desk
Share your desk and create single-day or multiple-day sharing events for home office days, vacations and business trips. Manage your sharing, cancel them and see who has booked your desk.
02. Search and book
available desks
Search for desks by day, date, location and many other parameters.
Use the calendar function to organize your working schedule ahead. Automatic outlook invites will be send to you with the detailed desk location.
03. Manage your bookings
See your booked desk, manage them and check your booking history. Cancel booked desks if you do not need them after all.
04. Usability Testing
Feedback on usability was collected from more than 100 users, in form of a survey. The SUS questionnaire was applied, that consists of ten items and its aim is the global assessment of a system’s usability. The desk sharing app scored an overall SUS score of 81.75. This score represents a composite measure of the overall usability of the system. The average SUS score being 68, the score of desk sharing application is clearly above average and would generally be considered as an a on a letter-grading system (“very good”).
Additionally, qualitative feedback with 24 users was collected in order to identify usability issues for improvement.